
 Eiji Hattori, (ex. Conseiller du Directeur Général de l'UNESCO


"Pour échapper à ce qui nous mène au néant. Retrouver la lumière qui jaillit du Milieu – entre Soi et Autrui, entre l’Humain et la Nature"

https://convivialisme.org/theorie 2023-5 (PDF)

"Le Destin de Prométhée" (PDF

 Institut français de recherche sur le Japon à la Maison franco-japonaise (Tokyo)


Eiko Hanaoka, (Prof. em. Dr., Hanazono Univeristy, Kyoto; Communal University of Osaka)

Publications: Zen and Christianity. From the Standpoint of the Absolute Nothingsness Tokyo 2012ISBN: 989710-901-878-3

 The content of this book consists of thought that I have expressed at various opportunities in various symposia or conferences in foreign countries and Japan during the 16 years from 1989 to July 2005. I wanted to publish his book, to realize peace among various religion, philosophy and philosophy of religion in the world. However, my study and research in philosophy of religion are for the most part limited to Zen and Christianity.

 A.    N. Whitehead (discussed in Part III, 29) and M. Heidegger (discussed in Part III, 23)are not directly related to Zen and Christianity. However, Heidegger’s thought was born by his negation of two great poles in European main current metaphysics and cultures since Plato. The organic philosophy by Whitehead is、furthermore , according to the words of  Whitehead himself, nearest to early Buddhism.

  Version in deitscher Sprache: Unendiche Offenheit und absolutes Nichts, Paderborn 2021, ISBN: 978-3-89710-901-8


Masako Sakata (Regisseure for Film Theatre):




Naoshi Yamawaki (Em. Prof. Dr., University of Tokyo; Sesa University):

Article, "Glocal Public Philosophy", Sophia University (PDF)


Publication, Glocal Public Philosophy. Toward Peaceful and Just Societies in the Ages of Globalozation, Zürich 2016

     ISBN: 978-3-643-90291-7